Triphala For Persistent Acne

What Is Triphala?

Triphala is a powdery mixture containing three different plants that can be made as a drink before bedtime. It is thought to be beneficial for the body as it has anti-inflammatory effects and may improve metabolism and overall health by reducing hyperacidity in the stomach, promoting digestion, and has antioxidant activities. It is a type of Ayurvedic treatment, which provides alternative medicinal treatments for common ailments. The three plants that make up triphala include Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. 


Amalaki is also known as Indian gooseberry and comes from a tree. It is a bitter tasting fruit that provides a variety of nutrients that benefits the body and brain.

It has been used to treat diseases, the common cold, and fevers. It is known as a “digestive” which suggests it helps to regulate digestive processes to reduce stomach issues and promote a healthy gut. This plant is also cardioprotective, which means it is healthy for the heart. In addition, it speeds up wound healing. 

Amalaki functions as an antioxidant through its content of phytochemicals like gallic acid. It scavenges free radicals that cause damage to DNA in the skin.


Bibhitaki is also from a tree. It is used for its medicinal properties. This plant contains tannins and elegiac acid. Elegiac acid is an antioxidant found in many different kinds of fruits and vegetables. 

Tannins are antioxidant phytochemicals found in fruits and veggies and also in tea. It is also anti-inflammatory and may protect against heart disease. Although early beliefs stated that tannins were carcinogenic, they have actually been shown to have antimutagenic properties and are antimicrobial. When consumed in fruits, they provide a natural source of antimicrobial protection. 


This plant is found in many parts of India, particularly in the Himalayan regions. It plays a role in wound healing and reduces inflammation. Different parts of this tree yield different results. The bark is used for skin diseases. It is an incredibly important plant in Ayurvedic treatment.

Triphala is a mixture of all three of these medicinal herbs to create a super healing concoction that can be mixed into a liquid and orally consumed.

Does Triphala Cure Acne?

The gastrointestinal tract is lined with epithelium that helps to move food throughout the colon. With oral consumption of triphala powder, it restores the health of the epithelium and helps to smoothly move stool through the colon. Triphala is rich in a number of beneficial substances, such as polyphenols and flavonoids.

Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant that play a role in protecting us from a multitude of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. They occur naturally in fruits and vegetables and can also be found in cereals and certain drinks. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals that would otherwise damage DNA and contribute to diseases of the body. 

Flavonoids also play a role in preventing diseases. They have antioxidant effects that act as a defense mechanism to infections and bodily ailments. They also regulate enzymatic pathways to ensure healthy functioning of the body.

With these super substances, they help the body to become healthier and strengthen its defense against bacteria that contributes to acne, such as Propionibacterium acnes. Overall body health leads to plumper, moisturized skin and a healthy skin barrier. Clear skin begins with a healthy skin barrier. You must repair the skin’s barrier before expecting any results from any acne treatments. Oral consumption of triphala is a great way to jumpstart this restoration period. Over time, consuming triphala and pairing this habit with a full-proof skincare routine and healthy lifestyle habits (such as daily exercise and eating a healthy diet) will cure your acne or at the very least, significantly improve it to a very manageable level.

What Dosha Causes Acne?

There are three types of dosha in Ayurvedic medicine. Each dosha represents a type of person, and each regulates a different part of the body. The three doshas include Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. 

Vatta corresponds to someone who is a quick-thinker, very creative, and energetic. This dosha primarily regulates movement and cell signalling.

Pitta corresponds to someone who is a leader of situations. It primarily regulates metabolism, vision, and attention. 

Kapha regulates growth and maintenance. It pertains to someone who is calm, loving, and often conservative.

In terms of acne, the dosha that regulates this is Pitta. As it plays a large role in the metabolism of the body, an imbalance in Pitta can cause skin issues such as acne. The use of triphala can help to regulate the imbalances of the doshas. 

Which Ayurvedic Medicine Is Best For Acne?

There are a number of Ayurvedic treatments that have been used to treat acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. A popular treatment involves the use of turmeric which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also brightening. It can be taken orally and applied topically to the skin for a multitude of benefits. 

Another treatment involves the use of oils, such as neem or sage oil to treat acne inflammation and pigmentation in the skin. These oils are available in a variety of cosmetic formulations or can be used in its pure form when mixed with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil or grapeseed oil.

Oral powders like ashwagandha have incredible benefits for the skin and body. Adding this superfood to smoothies and meals can decrease inflammation, provide antimicrobial properties, and smooth skin texture. 

Triphala is yet another powder that can be paired alongside the above treatments. There is not one Ayurvedic treatment that is the best for acne. All of these beneficial treatments can be combined to create a healthy diet and lifestyle that support a healthy gut and therefore, healthy skin.



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